Thursday 2 October 2014

curated by_vienna: The Century of the Bed

October 02, 2014


curated by_vienna


The Century of the Bed

October 3–November 8, 2014

Opening: Thursday, October 2, 6–9pm in all participating galleries

Hours: Tuesday–Friday noon–6pm, Saturday noon–4pm,
Saturday, October 4–Sunday, October 5, 11am–5pm
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curated by_vienna is initiated and organized by departure, the creative unit of the Vienna Business Agency. The project aims to intensify cooperation between internationally renowned curators and a selection of Vienna's leading contemporary art galleries.

curated by_vienna 2014: The Century of the Bed
Based on a concept by renowned architectural historian Beatriz Colomina, international curators present exhibitions in 20 of Vienna's leading contemporary art galleries. curated by_vienna 2014 will be held from October 2 to  November 8.

Reflections on the intersections between art and architecture provided the impetus for this year's edition of the project. Accordingly, Beatriz Colomina has written an essay titled "The Century of the Bed" for which curated by_vienna 2014 has been named. The text served as a basis for the participating galleries, and for the curators invited by the galleries. Citing a 2012 article from the Wall Street Journal which reported that 80 percent of young New York City professionals work regularly from bed thanks to today's extensive digital technologies, Beatriz Colomina states that "a unique horizontal architecture has taken over between the bed inserted in the office and the office inserted in the bed. It is magnified by the 'flat' networks of social media that have themselves been fully integrated into the professional, business and industrial environment in a collapse of traditional distinctions between private and public, work and play, rest and action." These aspects are taken up by the participating galleries and curators in manifold ways.

Participating galleries and curators:
Charim Galerie: Matteo Lucchetti
Kerstin Engholm Galerie: Carson Chan
Galerie Ernst Hilger: Alenka Gregorič
Galerie Andreas Huber: Kristina Scepanski
Galerie Martin Janda: Magalí Arriola
Georg Kargl Fine Arts: Francesco Stocchi
Knoll Galerie Wien: Maja & Reuben Fowkes
Christine König Galerie: Luca Lo Pinto
Krinzinger Projekte: Olga Sviblova
Krobath Wien: Rike Frank
Galerie Emanuel Layr: Egija Inzule
Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art: Basak Senova & Stephane Ackermann
Galerie Meyer Kainer: Liam Gillick & Rachel Harrison
Galerie Mezzanin: Sabeth Buchmann
Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder: Philipp Kaiser
Galerie Raum mit Licht: Moritz Küng
Gabriele Senn Galerie: Dirck Möllmann
Galerie Steinek: Peter Stastny
Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman: Max Hollein
Galerie Hubert Winter: Abigail Solomon-Godeau

Browse to track the project's genesis, to find out more about the participating galleries and curators, and the program of curated by_vienna: The Century of the Bed

curated by_vienna 2014 coincides with VIENNAFAIR (October 2–5), and is organized and funded by departure, the creative unit of the Vienna Business Agency.

For further information, please send an email to

For press enquiries, please get in touch with A B C Ana Berlin Communications:



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