Wednesday 1 October 2014

Graduate programmes available at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore

Art and  Education

October 01, 2014

Image courtesy of LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore.
LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore

Graduate programmes in Asian Art Histories, Fine Arts, Arts & Cultural Management, Artist Educator, and Art Therapy

Application deadlines:
MA Fine Arts, MA Asian Art Histories, MA Arts & Cultural Management:
October 15, 2014 (spring 2015)
MA Artist Educator: April 10, 2015 (summer 2015) 
MA Art Therapy: April 30, 2015 (summer 2015) 
Electronic submissions only

LASALLE College of the Arts 
1 McNally Street
Singapore, Singapore 187940

T +65 6496 5111
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Why study at LASALLE? 
– Scholarships available 
– Strong emphasis on research, cutting-edge practice, and excellence in teaching and learning
– Engaging dialogue among the programmes, students, and faculty
– Be mentored by some of the best international art practitioners and taught by practicing artists from the creative industries 
– Be in an accredited institution (Goldsmiths, University of London) with degree programmes that are original and developed by LASALLE
– Disciplinary environment with opportunities to engage across five diverse faculties' students and staff 
– Collaborations with Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore 
– Individual attention, small class sizes 
– Award-winning and iconic city campus in the heart of Singapore's Art & Cultural District

The MA Asian Art Histories program seeks to educate and train students who have interest in contributing original scholarship to the discourse of an emerging field. At the same time, the program equips students with the appropriate expertise and rigour to undertake a higher level of independent research work such as a PhD. The program has a particular focus on Southeast Asia, for which writing and research have only recently begun to emerge. While the program covers conventional art historical research and methodologies, the diverse histories, cultures, and practices of the Asian region present a unique opportunity for you to critically engage with questions and issues relating to notions of identity, tradition, ethnicity, self-reflexivity, community, and aesthetics that are specific to an Asian context. You will also learn how artists negotiate, dissolve and problematise the East/West, modern/traditional, and craft/art dichotomies. The programme will discuss critical terms such as modernism and contemporaneity that reflects the diversity of historical contexts, cultural specificities, post-colonial experiences, and artistic practices of the region.

The MA Arts and Cultural Management program will equip you to enhance your skills, reflect on areas such as management and policy, and to be advocates of the arts. Singapore has greatly expanded its commitment and engagement with the arts and cultural institutions in the 21st century, while elsewhere in Asia, the arts, creative and cultural sectors are also developing rapidly and gaining global attention. This program builds upon the exciting innovations in this field both here and abroad. It is intended for arts managers, cultural entrepreneurs, and those with professional backgrounds and a desire to learn more about the arts to come together, reflect upon, debate and inquire about the nature of arts organisations in society.

The MA Fine Arts program cultivates a teaching and learning methodology that values artistic practice. It strives for a balance between contemporary art practice within your own sociocultural milieu and the theoretical discourses around it. The programme also underscores the beliefs that through studio experimentation and innovation, it is the role of the artist in research that generates and produces individual self-discipline, knowledge, and discoveries that are pertinent to the realisation of artistic language/vocabulary. You will acquire knowledge of the comprehensive critical, theoretical, and historical discourses that inform contemporary artistic practice.

The MA Artist Educator program is designed for artists who work in formal and informal educational contexts and are critically conscious of their pedagogical approach to teaching in the arts. It will provide you with an opportunity to develop as professional practitioners in arts education. You will reflect on your own practice and observe the arts practices and pedagogies of others, both locally and globally. You will have the opportunity to transform your practice for your own benefit as well as that of fellow students, the community and industry, and to contribute to the growing field of research in arts education. Artist educators are drawn from, and engage with, the full range of the arts from the creative and performing arts, to visual, design and curatorial practice. Emphasis will be given to practice-led research and the teaching of the creative arts. As a fledging artist educator, you will learn to integrate your own arts practice with your teaching, so that the two processes inform and enhance each other. The programme is designed to develop the artist/practitioner/educator/researcher.

The MA Art Therapy program offers an internationally informed, two-year, full-time art therapy training in a contemporary psychodynamic framework. Inter-subjective approaches, attachment, and trauma theory with the ability to connect these concepts through the process of creativity and expression in treatment in the Southeast Asian context are integrated into the curriculum. Paramount to this is the understanding of the development of the therapeutic alliance. The program works collaboratively in research, across cultures internationally, and across school faculties. Singapore is at the epicenter of diversity in Asia, and the cultural landscape is rich and interwoven. Traditionally the East has emphasised the "we" in the relationship and the West has represented the "I." The intersubjective theorists integrate both concepts—self and community and include in their thinking the importance of equality, reciprocity, and response in relationship. Through understanding the dynamics and importance of attachment in development and the many manifestations of trauma in mental health, the intersubjective philosophy is taught through process-oriented art therapy.

The Graduate programs at LASALLE College of the Arts offer distinguished choices for candidates interested in pursuing careers in the arts. We offer an international curriculum that's infused with a global consciousness. Our faculty is led by a community of award-winning artists, designers, educators, and researchers, and their practice-led research sets LASALLE apart as an international centre of excellence. Critically acclaimed alumni form the core of the cultural and creative sectors in Singapore and their presence is increasingly felt internationally. Our degree programmes are validated by Goldsmiths, University of London.

Graduate faculty members are available via email at, by phone, or by visiting our campus.



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