Thursday 2 October 2014

San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI) announces new graduate fellowships

Art and  Education

October 02, 2014

Opening reception of Energy That Is All Around: Mission School, Walter and McBean Galleries, SFAI. Photograph: Shane O'Neill.
San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI)

New graduate fellowships

San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI)
800 Chestnut Street
San Francisco, CA 94133

T +1 415 749 4534 or +1 415 749 4500
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San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI) is proud to launch three graduate and post-graduate fellowships. The annual fellowships amplify the graduate experience by providing opportunities for fellows to gain professional practice as curators, scholars, and art administrators. 

Exhibitions and Public Programs Fellow
Begins September 2015
Applications open now, full-tuition annual award

The Exhibitions and Public Programs Fellowship is a full-tuition award available to students entering SFAI's MA in History and Theory of Contemporary Art or Exhibition and Museum Studies in fall 2015. These programs enable students to pursue scholarly interests in the study of contemporary art and exhibitions, alongside hundreds of student-artists and renowned professional artists. The fellowship offers in-depth experience working alongside SFAI's Exhibitions and Public Programs staff to deliver a robust program of exhibitions, artist commissions, public events, publications, and educational initiatives. The ideal candidate will possess demonstrated research interests that intersect with SFAI's history and mission. Priority will be given to applicants who have administrative or curatorial experience working within a gallery, museum, arts organization, or DIY context. 

Applicants to the MA program for fall 2015 may indicate their wish to be considered for the fellowship.

SFAI + Kadist Fellow
Begins September 2015
Nine-month post-graduate fellowship, 25,000 USD stipend

In partnership with Kadist Art Foundation, SFAI will annually award a nine-month fellowship to a graduating MA or MFA student with an interest in curatorial practice. The fellow will divide their time between SFAI and Kadist, and provide integral support to an annual project cycle resulting in commissioning new work from an internationally prominent artist and a group exhibition collaboratively curated with the artist. Fundamental to this project cycle is the production and presentation of new work, alongside support for curatorial work by artists. The annual award aims to establish a pivotal platform for talented and ambitious young curators in the crucial transition between their graduation and launch of a curatorial career.

Application process announced in spring 2015.

SFAI + Exeter Fellow
Begins September 2014
Two-year graduate fellowship, 15,000 USD annual stipend

Natasha White is the two-year Research Fellow in support of SiteWorks: San Francisco Performance 1969–85. SiteWorks will engage with the history of conceptual and performance art in the Bay Area through an online archive, a book forthcoming with Manchester University Press, and other events. SiteWorks is led by Nick Kaye, project director, Dean of Humanities and professor of performance studies, University of Exeter, in collaboration with Betti-Sue Hertz, Director of Visual Arts at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. 

About SFAI exhibitions and public programs
SFAI's exhibitions and public programs provide direct access to artists and ideas that advance our culture. The Walter and McBean Galleries, established in 1969, present exhibitions at the forefront of contemporary art practice. The gallery serves as a laboratory for innovative and adventurous projects and commissions new work from emerging and established artists. SFAI's public programs develop meaningful interactions between artists, students, and audiences through lectures, education opportunities, and artist-driven experiences. Together, the exhibitions and public programs of SFAI promote an environment that catalyzes the creative process of its student-artists and thinkers, and creates intimate connections between the SFAI community and the public.

About SFAI
San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI), founded in 1871, is one of the country's oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education in contemporary art. As a diverse community of working artists and scholars, SFAI provides students with a rigorous education in the arts and preparation for a life in the arts through an immersive studio environment, an integrated liberal arts and art history curriculum, and critical engagement with the world. Under the guidance of SFAI's accomplished faculty, and in continuous dialogue with their peers, students at SFAI engage the interconnections between art theory, history, and practice. Committed to educating artists who will shape the future of art, culture, and society, SFAI fosters creativity and original thinking in an open, experimental, and interdisciplinary context.



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