Tuesday 30 September 2014

Artists’ call for proposals for Connecting Cities: Invisible and Visible Cities 2015

September 30, 2014


Public Art Lab

© Public Art Lab.

Artists' call for proposals:
Connecting Cities: Invisible and Visible Cities 2015

Application deadline: 31 October 2014

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Connecting Cities is a network of worldwide cultural institutions. The aim is to foster the circulation of artistic and cultural contents throughout European and worldwide urban screens and media facades.

With the curatorial theme of Invisible and Visible Cities 2015 we want to develop an awareness on the changes, which are hardly visible to the eyes and are underlying our nowadays cities. Our today's modern cities are hybrid structures in which technology is invisibly interweaved in the perception layers of our everyday lives. 

We call for artistic scenarios to visualise invisible, embedded "smart" urban infrastructures and analyse their impact on the technological transformation of our society in a broad and public discourse. Open or hidden data should be provided a visible layer beyond the aesthetics of data visualisation. Different positions frame this discussion of our future cities within the urban challenges i.e. of climate change, energy consumption and transport systems. We want to approach the "In/Visible City" through these three main questions:

Hybrid cities: How can we read and interact with the urban space and which stories / processes are hidden within?
Digital citizenship: How can citizen shape their digital urban environment and find new strategies for active / critical data collection processes and citizen's engagement?
Translocal connectivity: How can we act physically in one place but mentally / emotionally appear in a different place through interactive urban scenarios and various interfaces?

The aim is not to represent reality, but to make a transformative/critical proposal with the question: Beside enhancing and optimizing (Smart City), empowering and improving ("open source urbanism"), do we also want to explore other approaches, maybe less "useful" but as meaningful; more poetic, narrative, contemplative or situationist? The call wants to encourage projects that reveal new levels of perception to an invisible layer of our nowadays cities.

Visible City 2015 will take place in Berlin, Brussels, Helsinki, Linz, Liverpool, Madrid, Marseille, Montreal, São Paulo and Zagreb. The Connecting Cities infrastructure to be considered by the artists for this call for proposals corresponds to the permanent and temporary urban media infrastructures of these cities (see www.connectingcities.net/infrastructure). Nevertheless we also welcome proposals directed to other partner cities of the Connecting Cities Network. We will forward these proposals to the partner cities who might then decide to join our 2015 Connecting Cities Events.

Foreseen activities: In/Visible City 2015

In/Visible City special artists' activity: Connecting Cities lab & residency 2015
–Artist workshop / prototyping lab at Public Art Lab, Berlin in January 2015
–Connecting Cities research residency 2015 at Public Art Lab, Berlin; Ars Electronica, Linz; FACT, Liverpool in spring 2015

Presentation of the selected projects: Connecting Cities events 2015
–Connecting Cities events in Berlin, Brussels, Helsinki, Linz, Liverpool, Madrid, Marseille, Montreal, Riga, São Paulo, and Zagreb throughout the year 2015
–Connecting Cities conference at Ars Electronica, Linz in September 2015

More information here
Submit your project proposal until 31 October 2014 23:59h CET here

The Connecting Cities Network is initiated by Public Art Lab Berlin in cooperation with 23 international partners in 21 cities: Ars Electronica Futurelab Linz – Medialab-Prado Madrid – FACT Liverpool – Foundation Bauhaus Dessau – Videospread Marseille – Marseille - Provence 2013 – iMAL Brussels – Riga 2014 – BIS (Body Process Arts Association) Istanbul – FACT Liverpool – m-cult Helsinki – Media Architecture Institute Vienna – Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb – University of Aarhus – MUTEK Montreal – Quartier des spectacles Montreal – verve cultural Sao Paulo – Federation Square Melbourne – xm:lab Saarbrücken – Media Arts Lab Sapporo – The Concourse Sydney – Etopia Centre for Art and Technology Zaragoza – 403 International Art Centre Wuhan

The Connecting Cities Network is supported by the Culture Programme 2007–13 of the European Union.



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