Thursday 25 September 2014

Journal for Artistic Research Issue 6 out now

Art and  Education

September 25, 2014

Image courtesy of Journal for Artistic Research (JAR).
Journal for Artistic Research (JAR)

JAR6 is now online

The online, peer-reviewed journal for the publication and discussion of artistic research
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The five contributions to this new issue come from artistic researchers working in, and between, the fields of art, intervention, writing, music, sound, and performance:
Paulo de Assis (BE), Vappu Jalonen (FI), Kaisu Koski (FI), Daphne Plessner (GB), & Jan Schacher (CH), Cathy van Eck (NL/BE), Kirsten Reese (DE), and Trond Lossius (NO).

Browse the issue here.

"The role of 'process' in artistic research is not necessarily clear. There is a general tendency to believe that a research process starts with a set of questions to which over time answers are given…

Let us consider a thought experiment and assume for the moment that the point of output was moved forward towards the beginning of a research project. This move would decouple 'output' from 'result'  presenting something provisional, perhaps, or a work-in-progress…

Thus, my thought experiment from above where the point at which a JAR submission is made is moved into the research process may suggest a different relationship to practice…"

Read the full editorial here. 

JAR publishes research in a manner that respects artists' modes of presentation and incorporates web-enabled possibilities for a mix of media, collaboration, debate, and discussion. The journal promotes experimental approaches to both "writing" and "reading" research, while carefully fulfilling the expectations of a peer-reviewed academic journal. We welcome submissions from across and between disciplines, from artists worldwide, with or without academic affiliation.

Call for submissions 
As interest in the Journal is growing, we have moved to three issues a year. JAR7 is currently in review and we are now seeking submissions for JAR8. The forthcoming deadlines for submissions are 15 October 2014 and 16 January 2015.

Send your correspondence to Barnaby Drabble, Managing Editor, Journal for Artistic Research (JAR), at

JAR works with an international editorial board and a large panel of peer-reviewers.
Editor-in-Chief: Michael Schwab
Editorial Board: Annette Arlander, Henk Borgdorff, Sher Doruff, Barnaby Drabble, Mika Elo, Julian Klein, and Isidro López-Aparicio

JAR is published by the Society for Artistic Research (SAR), an independent, non-profit association. You can support JAR by becoming an individual or institutional member of SAR. More information can be found on SAR's website.

For updates on our activities, join our mailing list.


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