Friday 26 September 2014

Lesson 0 at Fundació Joan Miró

Art and  Education

September 26, 2014

Priscila Fernandes, The Book of Aesthetic Education of the Modern School, 2014.
Fundació Joan Miró

Lesson 0: 2014–15 Espai 13 exhibition programme

September 19, 2014–September 6, 2015

Espai 13
Fundació Joan Miró
Parc de Montjuïc
08038 Barcelona
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Exhibition dates:
Priscila Fernandes: The Book of Aesthetic Education of the Modern School
September 9–December 8, 2014

Rita Ponce de León: With Your Own Hands
December 19, 2014–March 15, 2015 

Anna Craycroft / Marc Vives in collaboration with Rivet: The Wilson Exercises
March 27–June 21, 2015

Eva Kotatkova: The Birth of the Object
July 3–September 6, 2015

Lesson 0 is the 2014–15 exhibition programme at Espai 13, the emerging artists' project room at Fundació Joan Miró. Curated by Azotea (Ane Agirre and Juan Canela), Lesson 0 is a long-term, wide-ranging project that examines the current state of art education. It is developed with artists and education experts who focus on alternative educational methods, far removed from convention, in a search for different forms of transmission of knowledge. 

This season Lesson 0 features four exhibition projects signed by Priscila Fernandes, Rita Ponce de León, Anna Craycroft / Marc Vives in collaboration with Rivet, and Eva Kotatkova. Each of these projects explores, imagines and rehearses a variety of ways of learning within and through the exhibition space. The four projects are further activated by Friction Pedagogies, a mediation programme conducted by Aida Sánchez de Serdio and Cristian Añó (Sinapsis) with Rachel Fendler.

Lesson 0 began in 2013–14 with the coordination of a high school residency carried out by Catalan artist Jaume Ferrete, in the context of Creadors en Residència, a city-wide artist residency programme organized by the Barcelona City Council in collaboration with several Barcelona museums and art collectives. This year Lesson 0 continues to be present in the programme with a residency by Catalan artist Lúa Coderch.

Since October 2013, other activities related to Lesson 0 have been developed in collaboration with A*Desk, Secció Irregular (Mercat de les Flors), both in Barcelona, as well as with Artist Print, a book-fair dedicated to artists' publications, organised by Komplot, Brussels.

At the end of the exhibition programme, a final publication will gather all the texts and graphic material generated by Lesson 0. Barcelona-based Argentinian artist Antonio Gagliano will act as the editor and will record all the activities with drawings that will illustrate the final publication.

Friction Pedagogies
Pedagogic mediation programme conducted by Aida Sánchez de Serdio and Cristian Añó (Sinapsis) with Rachel Fendler.

Friction pedagogies aims to build relationships through negotiation with and between various groups from the art proposals that make up Lesson 0’s exhibition programme. These collaborations aim to foster mutual inquiry among participants (teachers, artists, students, curators, gallery educators, youth, and cultural and social institutions) on issues related to education and art practice. Around each Lesson 0 exhibition there is a pedagogic programme of activities conducted by the Friction Pedagogies team.

In the first exhibition of the programme, The Book of Aesthetic Education of the Modern School, Portuguese artist Priscila Fernandes transforms Espai 13 into a classroom and reconstructs what might have been art education in Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia’s Modern School (1901-09). For this exhibition, some of the Friction Pedagogies sessions are open to the public, as follows:

October 30

Panel discussion 1: "Pedagogical Alternatives and the School."
With Inter-Accions, Institut Quatre Cantons, Centre de recursos pedagògics llibertaris - Josefa Martín Luengo, and Assemblea Groga

November 13
Panel discussion 2: "Art Education, Creativity and Contemporary Working Methods."
With Sinapsis, Jaron Rowan, El Martinet and Creadors en Residència

November 27
"Art Methodologies: Modes of Artistic Research" 
With Priscila Fernandes

All open sessions take place from 6 to 8pm at Espai 13, and are free of charge.
Please enroll at

Following from these debates, the aim of Friction Pedagogies is to arrive at some propositions shared by the participating agents, which may help them rethink their respective courses of action. For all related documentation, please visit the Friction Pedagogies blog



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